Crunchy chocolate melts

Crunchy chocolate melts

I love this chocolate! Not just for it's rich creamy taste, not just for it's simplicity of high quality ingredients... but also because of it's versatility and ease of use in all manner of kitchen experiments.

Ok, so this little recipe is barely even an experiment. This weekend I fancied a treat with a crunch and a crisp bite and so had an idea to toast up a little quinoa and buckwheat to layer up with the melted good!

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Carrot and Coriander quinoa burgers

Carrot and Coriander quinoa burgers

Last Saturday I took part in Tough Mudder…a hard core army style obstacle course with mud, ice, electric shocks and a 19km run. Such fun on a Saturday afternoon!!

In preparation for the event nutrition was even more important, and quinoa featured in many a recipe to provide me with both protein and complex carbs. So today I thought I’d take the opportunity to share these ‘burgers’ with you. They make a great light lunch or a main meal. They are so quick to throw together especially if (like me) you have some pre-cooked quinoa in the fridge or freezer… I always make a big batch!  I served these with a little dollop of yoghurt mixed with garam masala.

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