Banana-Hemp Recovery Ice Cream

by Sharon  @sharonlaws (read more about Sharon and her cycling career in our blog post here)

As an athlete eating sufficient protein immediately after intensive training is important, but this is not always that easy as you often don’t feel that hungry.  

I’ve solved this problem by coming up with a recipe for banana-hemp recovery ice cream which is so delicious I can’t wait to get back from my ride to eat it!  It's also perfect in hot weather as it helps cool me down.  

Hemp is ideal because it is a complete protein containing all eight essential amino acids, it is also easily digested unlike other non-dairy protein sources such as soy, and it is low in saturated fat.  

The bananas help replenish carbohydrate stores and are a valuable source of vitamin C, vitamin B-6 and manganese.  The high potassium levels also help maintain a healthy balance of fluid.  

Three of my other favourite Real Food Source ingredients; almond paste, chia seeds and goji berries are added to the ‘ice cream’ to provide additional high quality protein, minerals and vitamins.  

Recipe: Banana/Hemp Recovery Ice Cream

Serves 1



Blend all the ingredients together into an ice cream consistency.  This is easier if you leave the bananas to thaw slightly. I use a stick blender as it is quick and easy to clean and I can travel to races with it.  

You may like to add a small amount of almond milk or similar to improve the consistency.  

Spoon into a ramekin and top with goji berries, slivered almonds and some cinnamon.  
