Raw Chocolate Hemp Mousse

“An easy mousse-like dessert based on the shake recipe, perfect for a snack and can be flavoured and ‘topped’ to suit!”

“An easy mousse-like dessert based on the shake recipe, perfect for a snack and can be flavoured and ‘topped’ to suit!”

Serves 1

1/2 cup
raw chocolate hemp protein blend
1/4 cup coconut milk powder
1/2 cup warm water*
1/4 cup cashew paste/1/2 a banana/half avocado (optional*)

Blend all ingredients in a blender until smooth and the consistency of thick
yoghurt. Spoon into a bowl and chill for an hour until firm.

*Note: Warm water helps melt the coconut oil in the coconut milk powder and blend it most effectively. The cashew/banana/avocado is optional but creates the smoothest texture.

You could also add a few drops of orange oil extract (or any flavour of choice) to the blend during the first step to change things up. Add toppings for extra variety.