Pure almond paste...gets creative!

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Post by Jo @ including Cake

You may remember this almond buttera few weeks back. Of course it is easy to make your own, but it does require a pretty high powered processor and a supply of almonds and sometimes it's just not practical to make your own....which is a shame since you can do so much with it!

​Almond paste is the more accurate terms for a 'butter' made with blanched almonds. Almond butter (as I recently discovered) more typically refers to blended roasted almonds which brings out the real depth of flavour.​

​almond paste vs almond butter

​almond paste vs almond butter

​On the other hand the paste is so mild and subtle, it barely has a flavour just a rich creaminess. This mild taste is actually it's greatest asset as it makes it versatile and suitable for so many things. I've certainly had a lot of fun playing around with it.

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First up, keeping it simple with ​an almond milk blend. There are so many dairy free choices out there, and almond milk is a fantastic option but often so expensive when bought from the supermarket shelves.

So, why not make your own?  It literally takes a minute...!

​I will step in here and say that I have NOT used a nut bag to strain my milk- many people do take this additional step (and you can by all means)  but since I predominantly use milk in my oatmeal or as a liquid in baking then straining was not a key concern for me and it sped up the process dramatically. This milk literally takes 1 minute from start to finish. You can also make a big batch and freeze a few bottles worth.  You can also vary the liquid content and make a thicker almond cream, or blend with a few dates, vanilla and spices for a dessert-like custard mix.

​Check back for more almond paste recipes in coming weeks...grab yourself a tub here.

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RecipeFresh almond milk

Makes just over 2 ltrs


1/4 cup almond butter

2 lt ltr filtered water

1 tbs date paste or other sweetener or spices (optional)

*You can add more or less almond butter depending on preferred viscosity. You can also make a thicker cream this way by increasing the proportion of almond butter.


Blend all ingredients together for at least 1 minute until very smooth. Strain through a fine sieve or nut milk bag if desired for the smoothest milk.

Pour into a container and stored in the fridge for 2-3 days (or freeze).  Shake the container before using as there will be some settling occur from the almond solids unless the milk has been strained.