April 2016 New Coffee Bean Range Newsletter


We're Donating £1 from Every Bag Sold of our New Aritsan Coffee Beans this week to Project Waterfall

This week is national coffee week in the UK which is great timing for us to launch our five new artisan coffee bean products roasted by the European Coffee Award winning Bocca coffee in the Netherlands. 

Our artisan coffees each have their own delicious aromas and flavours. Choose from our four wonderful organic coffees from Ethiopia, Brazil and Peru or try our special blend. Check them out below.

We're also donating £1 to Project Waterfall from every pack we sell during UK coffee week. Learn more about UK Coffee Week and how Project Waterfall is bringing clean water and sanitation to coffee growing communities in the video below.

We are very excited to be working with Project Waterfall this year. UK Coffee Week is a fundraising campaign for Project Waterfall, bringing clean water and sanitation to coffee growing communities.
So for every 250g pack of coffee you buy from RealFoodSource £1 will be donated to this amazing campaign.

Our Organic Brazilian Cerrado Fatima Coffee Beans.  The coffee is processed by the "natural" method, also called sun-dried coffee. The red, ripe berries are picked and dried immediately. The berries are continually rotated, day and night to ensure the barries are dried smooth and resulting in a sweet, full flavour. The coffee is roasted by the award winning Bocca coffee in the Netherlands and supplied to us here in the UK. You can find this product for here!


Our Organic Ethiopian Limu Kossa Coffee Beans. This ia an excellent coffee to kick start the day or to relax and enjoy through out.  With it's fruity aromas, winey tones, balanced body and acidity it makes a great expresso and also goes well with milk for an excellent cappucino or latte. The coffee is roasted by the award winning Bocca coffee in the Netherlands and supplied to us here in the UK. You can find this product here!


Our Organic Peruvian Coffee Beans from the Cenfrocafe Cooperative in St Ignacio, Cajamarca Region. This coffee has an excellent rich cocoa aroma with a tropical fruit flavour with notes of raisins. It makes a great expresso and also goes well with milk for an excellent cappucino or latte. The coffee is roasted by the award winning Bocca coffee in the Netherlands and supplied to us here in the UK. You can find this product here!


Our Organic Ethiopian Suke Quto Coffee Beans. The Suko Quto organic farm produces coffee with wonderful milk chocolatey fragrance, fruity taste and bright and sparkling acidity it makes a great expresso and also goes well with milk for an excellent cappucino or latte. The coffee is roasted by the award winning Bocca coffee in the Netherlands and supplied to us here in the UK.  You can find this product here!

Our excellent blend makes for the most delightful cup of coffee!  All the coffees are individually roasted by the European award winning Bocca coffee in the Netherlands then mixed by Bocca for the final flavour profile.  A fantastic coffee for any time of the day as an expresso or with milk in cappucinos and lattes. You can find this product here!

Bullet Proof (Sherpa!) Coffee

If you are looking for ideas to inspire your coffee making here is an exciting way to drink your coffee! Our lovely Organic Ethiopian Limu Kossa Coffee Beans are brewed and mixed with our coconut oil for a boost of beneficial fats to start the day the South American sherpa way. You can view this recipe here!

We'd love to hear from you! Connect with us and send any thoughts, suggestions or just plain old comments our way and we will be sure to respond!
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